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Dog Training & Behaviour

Are you ready for me to teach you evidence based dog training along with personalised coaching.  With me by your side you can start to really enjoy your dog, your training and the journey.

I want you to have a partner in me,  to teach you scientifically proven dog training and behaviour modification techniques, to build a great relationship with your dog and have some fun and enjoy the process along the way.

I understand just how challenging life can be when your dog's behaviour is very difficult to manage and life with your dog is not how you imagined.  This is how I changed careers and became a Dog Trainer almost 20 years ago after we adopted our first rescue dog and struggled along.

I have young two children and three dogs now, so I understand how time pressed you might feel and how rather than adding value to your life your dogs lack of training can be creating more stress.

We will start by having a detailed first session (1.5-2 hours) where we will troubleshoot all the issues you are facing, set training goals and create a bespoke plan for you.

Can you commit to at least 6 weeks of training with your dog?

Can you give your dog 15 minutes a day training time?

Are you prepared to take on board advice re breed specific enrichment for your dog?

I am a results focused Dog Trainer, so I am not the right trainer for you if you want quick fixes and are not committed to putting effort into training.

I will make the training fit around your schedule in short bursts where needed.

What my 6 week training plan might look like:

- One homevisit (1.5-2 hours) 
- 3 Training sessions on your walks and any other places you need to train
- 2 scheduled Phone/video consults between in person sessions.
- 24/7 Support 
- Notes & Videos to support learning

If you are ready to get started book your package now.  If you want to see if I am a good fit for you, please book a call and I would be more than happy to help.  Since most of my time is spent away from phones and computers, booking a call is the best way to have my full focus and attention. 

Dog Training: Services
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